Until 1977, Neal Adams was the only comic book artist whose style was easily identified and whose name I personally remembered. Then the new issues of Detective Comics arrived. The initial three issue backup series featuring the Calculator was relatively forgettable, but what followed was an odyssey I've never seen replicated in any Batman comic book. The perfect combination of writer (Steve Englehart), artists (Marshall Rogers and Terry Austin) and storyline (Boss Thorne and Silver St. Cloud) made their Detective Comics run an instant classic. The art was like none I had seen before. Where Neal Adams strove for realistic physical portrayal, Marshall's pencils were stylistically stunning: slick graphic portrayals, architectural marvels, and (of course) his "capey" Batman.

While I can drone on about my infatuation with Detective, that was truly just the beginning of my love affair of Marshall's work. From Detective to Mister Miracle, from Coyote to Cap'n Quick and a Foozle, from Dr. Strange to Silver Surfer, I've loved them all. It is a shame that Marshall doesn't really work regularly in the industry any more; he is truly missed.

As a fan and collector of Marshall's work for almost 30 years, I have tried to assemble a representative list of his body of work on this unofficial web site.

I have met Marshall Rogers five times at various conventions. The last time was at the Hayward Comic Con in Sep '05, where he got to meet my son (his namesake), Marshall Roger Cavalli. He is as engaging as ever, and doing comics full-time again. For fans, be excited, as favorite characters might gain new life (Cap'n Quick, for one), old stand-by's given new nemeses (Marshall has his own villians created for Batman, for instance), and new comic opportunities abound (as he mentioned multiple projects in the pipeline, like a "What If?" project for Marvel).

His line is as fine as ever, and I'm pleased as punch to add another b&w sketch to my collection. My son was exceptionally patient, waiting 30 minutes with me to work through the line. Given more time, I probably would have had him draw 2-3 for me during the day, but as it is got one of Silver St. Cloud, drawn as she was in '78. (Posted in original art when I can scan it in.) Now that my divorce is final, I'm saving my money to have Marshall draw two high-end commissions: Batman homage (Batman and Robin protecting Silver St. Cloud from Hugo, Thorne, Penguin, Deadshot, Joker, Clayface, Catwoman, Scarecrow, Two-Face, etc.) and a Rogers collage (paralleling DC characters Batman and Mr. Miracle (middle), to Silver Surfer and Dr. Strange (left), to independant characters Cap'n Quick, Foozle, Coyote, and Scorpio Rose (right). Marshall says he's busy now, but starting to save for a full color "wrap-around cover quality" piece to give as an heirloom to my son.

Please send all submissions, scans, additions, corrections, and suggestions to David Cavalli.